© Stuart M Bennett 2003

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Fly Killers are an important means of defence against flying insects. Even if your business does not deal with food, having a dead fly inside a packaged product be it a packet of envelopes or a nice cream cake doesn't look good to the customer. In the case of the food product it is also an infringement against the Food Hygine Act. So fly killers are a last line of defence; if they are combined with fly screens and good housekeeping then everything has been done to ensure a sterile environment and due dilligence.

There are many types of machine on the market today and the ones we recommend are some of the best. Some of the electrocution types will not always deal with the very small types of fly such as fruit fly or midges, in these cases there are fly killers which have adhesive inserts to which the insect will stick. These types of machine also operate silently and are called Chameleons.

By clicking on one of the machines above you will be taken to a page which will describe the specification of the machine and also a picture: